The Shoei Neotec 2 is designed to integrate with the Sena SRL Communication System for a clean and low profile installation All of these features combine to produce one of the ultimate long distance touring helmets Posting this for the owner of the place I work at He was wanting to buy a Shoei Neotec 2 Splicer helmet that was unavailable everywhere and ended up getting this Separator A few days later, he was notified by RevZilla that the Splicer he wanted was available in limited quantity, and ended up ordering that Shoei Neotec II Splicer TC6 Helmet An everyoccasion helmet with the adaptability to excel no matter where your next journey takes you, the NEOTEC 2
Capacete Shoei Neotec 2 Articulado Splicer Tc 8 Laranja Nacar